Example of a game!

Sample BloodRaven Game

Start of the Game

- Mission (d6): The Corrupted Staff (result 3). BloodRaven has been called to investigate an infernal artifact being trafficked by a secret elite. The assignment came to him in a peculiar way: during a confession to a seemingly harmless old woman. While talking about her trivial sins, her voice and attitude suddenly changed, becoming guttural and charged with dark authority. The old woman, with blank eyes and a sinister smile, gave him the order to intervene in the case. The exchange will take place in an abandoned rural church. (Option rolled on the Oracle tables).

BloodRaven Token:

- Infernal Vitae:*4 points.

- Attributes:

  - Physical (Demonic Potency) = 0

  - Mental (Arcane Intellect) = +1

  - Spiritual (Infernal Manipulation) = -1

Turn 1: Initial Exploration

BloodRaven stands in front of the abandoned church, surrounded by thick fog. The icy wind whispers through the cracks in the walls, and everything seems strangely silent. As he gazes at the building, a familiar and disturbing sensation envelops him. A mixture of resignation and fervor overwhelms him; the duty that has called him here is also the curse that consumes him. At times like this, the line between his humanity and the corruption within him feels especially fragile. Each mission is another stone on the scales of his soul, and the cold of the church seems to resonate with that weight, as if the place knows the secrets he carries. BloodRaven sighs, his breath forming an ephemeral cloud, before stepping into the unknown once more.

BloodRaven: The echo of my footsteps echoes in the empty interior of the holy place. The shadows seem to move of their own volition, dancing around the altar. There is something here, something older than the stone itself, something that should not have been unearthed...”

- Action: BloodRaven wishes to investigate if there are any demonic traces.

  - Attribute Used: Mental (Arcane Intellect) +1, with Infernal Vitae (Spend 1 point).

  - Roll: d10 (6) - d6 (3) + 1 + 3 = 7 (Major success).


BloodRaven detects a dark, corrupt energy emanating from the altar. A group of hooded figures are gathered there, preparing the staff for what appears to be a ritual. Thanks to the arcane power unleashed, BloodRaven perceives more details: the staff is not just a common artifact, but a conduit for channeling an ancient demonic spirit. He sees symbols engraved on the altar that represent a direct connection to the underworld. In addition, he distinguishes the murmurs of the hooded men, each word charged with a power that seems to reverberate in his own thoughts, as if they are trying to manipulate his will. BloodRaven senses that these cultists are close to unleashing something that could upset the balance of the region, something he himself may be tempted to use if he is not careful.

- The Trance: Scratch a skull. Progress marches on and BloodRaven moves closer to danger.

Turn 2: Confrontation

BloodRaven decides to sneak up on you, hoping to disrupt the ritual before it is too late. A dice roll is required to determine if he manages to stay hidden or is detected. To remain undetected at all, BloodRaven would have to roll a result of 5 or more, which represents complete success in his attempt to remain in the shadows.

- Attribute Used: Physical (Demonic Power) 0, no powers.

- Roll: d10 (5) - d6 (2) = 3 (Mild success).

But the air grows heavier, and one of the figures seems to have noticed his presence.

BloodRaven: “My hands tighten around the ritual dagger hidden in my cloak. The air is thick, almost liquid, filled with a palpable presence. One of them has seen me. I know it. In their gaze there is more than simple devotion... there is desperation, there is fear.”

- Action: BloodRaven attempts to spiritually manipulate the ceremony leader to stop the ritual, activating his corresponding power at the expenditure of 1 point of Infernal Vitae.

  - Attribute Used: Spiritual (Infernal Manipulation) -1, with Infernal Vitae (+2 for the activated power).

  - Roll: d10 (7) - d6 (4) - 1 + 2 = 4 (Moderate success).


The cult leader hesitates for a second, but BloodRaven fails to stop the ritual completely. Nevertheless, he seems to have caused enough confusion to interrupt the process. The confusion manifests itself in the cult leader's bewilderment: he loses the rhythm of the ritual prayers and stops guiding the others with precision, causing a pause in the flow of the dark power that was being concentrated. Although the other cultists do not become completely disorganized, the leader seems disoriented, and his hesitation generates a little chaos that slows down the progress of the ritual, although it does not stop it completely. BloodRaven senses that the cult leader begins to doubt the effectiveness of the ritual, temporarily weakening the demonic bond.

- The Trance: Cross out a skull. BloodRaven is closer to the climax.

Turn 3: Supernatural Power and Unexpected Twist

Knowing that time is running out, BloodRaven activates his demonic power, sacrificing a point of Infernal Vitae to unleash a powerful curse on the cultists, seeking to disarm them before the ritual reaches its climax.

BloodRaven: “Infernal heat courses through my veins as I recite the forbidden words. My voice becomes dark, inhuman, and I feel the corruption spread through my flesh. It is a power I should not use lightly, but time is running out...”

- Action: BloodRaven activates his demonic power to destroy the staff.

  - Attribute Used: Mental (Demonic Power) +1, with Infernal Vitae (Spend 1 point).

  - Roll: d10 (8) + 2 +1 (supernatural power) - d6 (5) = 6 (Major success).

Result: The curse shatters the staff into pieces, and the cultists fall into a panic. However, just when BloodRaven thinks he has won, one of the shadows rises. The cult leader has been possessed by a lesser demon that has been released from the broken staff.

- The Trance: Strike out a skull.

Game Example Conclusion:

BloodRaven has advanced in his mission, but now faces a released demon, and his reserve of Infernal Vitae is running low, if he spends the last point he would fail the mission as his demonic corruption would take hold of him.  

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